Thursday, May 28, 2015

Crazy Kings Guide Cheats - Strategy Tips and Tricks for Android iPhone Game

How do I control the Heroes?
Heroes can be moved by dragging them to the point you
want them to move to or by dragging them onto an enemy
you want them to attack. You can even tap your Hero to
select them and then tap somewhere else on the screen
and they will move there. They will automatically use
their abilities against enemies within their attack range,
but be aware that they do not act on enemies that are
beyond their range.
Your Avatar is a customizable Hero and will
automatically be summoned onto the battlefield without
using Mana. You can choose to add more Heroes to your
Battle Deck, however, summoning more Heroes onto the
battlefield requires using additional Mana.
When Heroes fall in battle, you will either have to wait
for them to resurrect or use Gems to revive them
instantly. At the top left corner of the battle scene is a
portrait of each of your Heroes and their health levels.
Once a Hero has fallen, you can tap on their portraits to
spend Gems in order to resurrect them.

The basics
Crazy Kings is a card-based tower defense game where
you are given the task of defending villages from
incoming waves of enemies. Joined by your Avatar and
armed with a Battle Deck consisting of Hero, Tower, and
Spell Cards, it's up to you to stop the evil forces from
To begin a level, tap one of the red shields placed on the
main map. A description window about the level will
display important information regarding the upcoming
battle. You'll find information such as, time required to
complete a level, loot to be won afterwards, and a
preview of the battle map. Some levels do not allow you
to use certain Cards, however, this is also indicated
before each battle.
Each level ranks you on how well you play based on a
three-star system, and gives out prizes accordingly.
Three stars means you've defeated all incoming enemies
successfully without losing and hearts, and will win all
three prizes. Two means you’ve lost between one and half
of your hearts, and will therefore win two prizes. Earning
one star means you have lost more than half of your
hearts, and you will win one prize. You can always replay
levels in order to earn all prizes and stars. Each enemy
that manages to fight past your defenses will cost you
one or more of your precious hearts.
Once you press "Play," you can select your Battle Deck,
equip your Avatar, and gather lntel about the upcoming
battle using the "Scout" feature. Scouting will reveal you
the amount of lives, Mana, enemy waves, and Tower slots
you can anticipate; it also shows what types of enemies
you will encounter on the battlefield. If there are
monsters you have not yet encountered, detailed
information about it will not be shown using the “Scout“

What is the Card Upgrader?
The Card Upgrader allows you to create more powerful
Cards with repeat Cards you've collected. When you
collect two identical Cards, the Card Upgrader will alert
you that you are eligible for an upgrade.
Cards that can be upgraded will appear highlighted at the
bottom of the Card Upgrader screen. You can drag the two
Cards to each slot and press upgrade; the Card's status
changes from the upgrade will be written below in
yellow. There is a waiting time when upgrading Cards,
which you can speed up using Gems.

How do I upgrade my Avatar?
You can upgrade your Avatar by earning Stars in normal
battles and Crowns in the Tower battles. Collecting
enough Stars and Crowns will enable you to level up.
Equipment Cards are designed to make your Avatar
stronger and are available in your Battle Deck. Like other
cards, Equipment Cards can also be upgraded using the
Card Upgrader. Remember to regularly check on your
Avatar to see if you can equip new Cards.
You will be able to read Card stats by tapping on them.

The Arena
The Arena is another opportunity for you to improve your
Battle Deck. In the Arena, you battle waves of enemies to
win Cards, however, you will get only 1 heart so there is
no room for mistakes.
Once the green progression bar for the Arena is full you
will receive a free bonus Card.
You can play the Arena for free whenever you have an
Arena Ticket notification, these regenerate over time.

The Tower
By battling through the 50 levels of the Tower, you will
earn Cards and Crowns that will allow you to level up
your Avatar and unlock gates.
In the final level of the Tower you will face the King. If
you are victorious you will be rewarded with a very
special piece of loot!

The Tournament
The Tournament is another way for you to improve your
Battle Deck and win more Gems. ln the Tournament, you
will use your current Battle Deck to fend off endless
waves of enemies for as long as possible, the longer you
survive, the more chance you have of winning.
The Tournament also allows you to compete with your
friends in a League System. The League System ranks
players in six different leagues: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold
Battle Deck and win more Gems. In the Tournament, you
will use your current Battle Deck to fend off endless
waves of enemies for as long as possible, the longer you
survive, the more chance you have of winning.
The Tournament also allows you to compete with your
friends in a League System. The League System ranks
players in six different leagues: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold
Platinum and Diamond. The higher the league, the better
the rewards.
To progress from one league to another, you need to be in
the top 5 players of your league. The last 5 will
unfortunately be demoted to the previous league.

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