Monday, May 26, 2014

Puppet Soccer 2014 Guide, Tips, Strategy and Cheats for Android/iPhone Game

Puppet Soccer 2014 Guide

Easy Way to score a goal in Puppet Soccer 2014

It is difficult to score a goal versus an AI that has a good stats. Usually we want to kick the ball through over the head of the enemy (not so high) to score a goal! It will work only if the ball is in the mid air and sometimes if the AI have a good stats, they can block it through jumping. So how to score a goal easily?

Follow this simple steps

  1. Pick any player with medium to high stats.
  2. It will start with a jump ball, just step back to defend your goal.
  3. Wait for the ball to stay at the ground, don't kick it.
  4. Push the ball through the enemy but not too fast.
  5. When you are already too close with the enemy, just spam the kick button while still going to the enemy's goal.
  6. Sometimes, when you spam the kick button, it will go through your enemy going to the goal.
  7. However if the ball won't go through, just push the ball (with the enemy player) to the enemies goal to finally score a goal.

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